Thursday, December 13, 2012

Smoke Signals- RACE

Victor Joseph is a young Native American in his late teens who lives on a reservation. His father drank, beat him occasionally, and left home when Victor Joseph was eight. As the film begins, word comes that the father has died. With another boy from the reservation, Victor Joseph journeys to Phoenix to retrieve his father's ashes and his truck. On the trip, Victor Joseph learns about the life his father led and comes to terms with his own identity. Smoke Signals is said to be the first film that was written, directed, and co-produced by Native Americans.
-Brought to you via Teach With Movies
Although I have grown up here in the United states of America and even here in Utah I still do not know much about Native Americans or even their traditions. This movie opened up my eyes in many ways. The movie touched on the different ways that we as people create stigmas towards Native American Tribes. We believe that they are great story tells and eat lots of Fry Bread. Watching the movie you may see this first had as the travel to phoenix to pick up Josephs fathers ashes. This movie may have poked some fun at their own traditions but it helped me to understand the racism behind it.

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